Multi-scale simulation 1.1-removebg-preview
We have a complete set of full-scale simulation methods that can provide customized simulation solutions for electronic, molecular and mesoscopic systems. By flexibly invoking the calculation results of different scales, we can make use of the computational advantages of each scale to effectively deal with the complex and huge system, and finally achieve satisfactory simulation results.
CAE Emulation 1
We combine the multi-scale simulation results (especially the computational advantages for large systems) and the key experimental parameters to provide more accurate and comprehensive data input for finite element simulation. This ensures that the finite element simulation can adapt to more complex scenes, and makes the simulation results more reliable and persuasive.
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We not only provide mathematical modeling and solving services for various systems, including but not limited to pharmacokinetics, release kinetics, molecular diffusion, random walk and hydrodynamics, but also provide more in-depth mathematical modeling support for multi-scale simulation to ensure the theoretical correspondence between simulations and experiments in complex situations.
We have industry-leading image processing technology. Combined with self-developed artificial intelligence algorithms and well-designed scripts, we can easily identify and deal with the details in 2D and 3D images which are difficult to be identified by conventional methods, and achieve accurate statistical analysis. In addition, our technical team also mastered advanced 2D to 3D image modeling technology, with the help of our powerful computing resources, we can carry out high-precision real-time modeling of all kinds of complex scenes to meet the needs of a variety of applications.
Paper support
We provide all-round support for writing high-quality papers, including, but not limited to, experimental drawing and paper conception consultation. In the aspect of experimental drawing, refuse to use the method of simple stitching to synthesize pictures, and advocate the use of programming means to generate high-definition or even vector graphics at one time to ensure that your scientific research data can be expressed most clearly; in terms of paper ideas, there are teams of experts in many fields that can provide professional consulting services for your paper ideas.
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