Academic morality

I. academic morality

Shanghai Yuji Mutual Shadow Technology Service Co., Ltd. specializes in multi-scale modeling, finite element analysis, mathematical modeling, image analysis, hardware support and thesis support. We always strictly abide by the ethics of the industry and adhere to the following guidelines:

Integrity and transparency: we are committed to honest, transparent and credible academic research and services to avoid any form of academic misconduct, including, but not limited to, plagiarism, plagiarism, data tampering or false statements. Employees and partners must demonstrate honesty and transparency in any research or academic activity.

Abide by norms and guidelines: we strictly abide by Chinese and international academic norms, industry standards and laws and regulations to ensure that research, analysis and support activities meet the highest ethical and professional standards.

Protection of intellectual property rights: we attach great importance to the protection of intellectual property rights, encourage innovation and knowledge sharing, and never infringe upon other people's intellectual property rights or violate relevant laws and regulations.

Objective evaluation and reproducibility: we ensure that all research, analysis and support processes are based on objective evaluation criteria and are committed to ensuring the reproducibility of research results in order to promote authenticity and reliability in the academic field.

Respect for cooperation and reasonable authorization: we attach importance to cooperative relations, respect the principles of cooperation between different fields and different institutions, uphold the concept of reasonable authorization and win-win cooperation, and establish mutually beneficial and win-win cooperative relations with customers and partners.

Second, thesis support

In terms of paper support services, Shanghai Yuji Mutual Film Technology Service Co., Ltd. has taken the following measures to meet customer needs and ensure compliance with academic ethics:

Academic integrity and originality: we adhere to the principle of academic integrity and encourage customers to submit original content. ForEnsure the uniqueness and authenticity of the paperWe only provide the necessary support and guidance to help customers complete high-quality research work, and will not write or rewrite any article content.

Citation and reference guidelines: in order to follow academic norms, we strictly follow citation and reference norms. All sources of information are properly cited to avoid any form of plagiarism or unauthorized use of other people's works and to ensure the legality and transparency of academic works.

Confidentiality agreement: we sign a strict confidentiality agreement with our customers to ensure that the paper support services we provide are fully protected. These agreements cover information confidentiality, intellectual property protection and data security to ensure that customers' confidential information is properly protected.

Customer privacy protection: we strictly follow relevant laws and regulations and industry standards to ensure that customersPersonal information and intellectual property rightsThe security and confidentiality of information.We will never disclose customer information or papers to third parties without authorization to ensure the security and confidentiality of customer data.

I. academic morality

Shanghai Yuji Mutual Shadow Technology Service Co., Ltd. specializes in multi-scale modeling, finite element analysis, mathematical modeling, hardware resources, experimental support and thesis support. We always highly respect and abide by academic ethics and professional standards, and adhere to the following guidelines:

Integrity and transparency: we are committed to honest, transparent and credible academic research and services. We avoid any form of academic misconduct, including, but not limited to, plagiarism, plagiarism, data tampering or false statements. We encourage employees and partners to demonstrate honesty and transparency in any research or academic activity.

Abide by norms and guidelines: we strictly abide by Chinese and international academic norms, industry standards and laws and regulations to ensure that our research, analysis and support activities meet the highest ethical and professional standards.

Protection of intellectual property rights: we attach great importance to the protection of intellectual property rights, encourage innovation and knowledge sharing, but never infringe upon other people's intellectual property rights or violate relevant laws and regulations.

Objective evaluation and reproducibility: we ensure that all research, analysis and support processes are based on objective evaluation criteria, and strive to ensure the reproducibility of research results to promote authenticity and reliability in the academic field.

Respect for cooperation and reasonable authorization: we attach importance to cooperative relations and respect the principles of cooperation between different fields and different institutions. We adhere to the concept of reasonable authorization and win-win cooperation, and establish mutually beneficial and win-win cooperative relations with customers and partners.

Second, thesis support

In terms of paper support services, Shanghai Yuji Mutual Film Technology Service Co., Ltd. has taken the following measures to meet customer needs and ensure compliance with academic ethics:

Academic integrity and originality: we adhere to the principle of academic integrity and encourage customers to submit original content. We provide necessary support and guidance to ensure the uniqueness and authenticity of the paper and help customers to complete high-quality research work.

Citation and reference guidelines: in order to follow academic norms, we strictly follow citation and reference norms. All sources of information are properly cited to avoid any form of plagiarism or unauthorized use of other people's works and to ensure the legality and transparency of academic works.

Confidentiality agreement: we sign a strict confidentiality agreement with our customers to ensure that the paper support services we provide are fully protected. These agreements cover information confidentiality, intellectual property protection and data security to ensure that customers' confidential information is properly protected.

Customer privacy protection: we respect customers' privacy and never disclose customer information or papers to third parties without authorization. We strictly abide by the relevant laws and regulations and industry standards, protect customers' personal information and intellectual property rights, and ensure the security and confidentiality of customer information.